Me, Myself and I

Writing an autobiographical website is harder than I'd imagined. There are decisions to be made; what parts to include, and what parts of my life that might be interesting, would definitely come into the category of oversharing.

Brief Summary

Slightly Less Abbreviated Version

My childhood home was in the beautiful county of Devonshire, complete with weekend walks on Dartmoor.

The school years passed in a flurry, including pastimes such as rowing, smallbore rifle, audio/visual media, jewelry making and pottery.

I've always had an aptitude for engineering, and, as soon as I discovered it, electronics and computing. I grew up in the era of early home computers, no complex PCs. Windows or Macintosh. Those would come later.

I took a gap year after school, employed as a sponsored engineer at Racal Recorders. This Southampton based firm sponsored me through University, and provided a great grounding in engineering, electronics, big business and product development.

The Engineering department was a close knit group of colleagues that felt far more like family. A unique working environment I have not experienced since.

I studied Electronic Systems Engineering at the University of York. The course was challenging, and I was appreciative of the further maths A-level I had taken. Four years later, I left with a MEng.

The city of York is absolutely beautiful, and I was very happy there. The many pubs ignited my love of Real Ale and historic Ale Houses. I'm pleased to report that the pubs and ale have only got better in the intervening years. If you are lucky enough to be visiting, I can recommend House of The Trembling Madness; feels like home!

After graduation, I took a month Interrailing around Eastern Europe with a friend. My wandering completed, I returned to Southampton and my sponsoring company, Racal Recorders. A few years later, I bought a house and met my wife to be, all in the space of a couple of years.


Husband and father, software engineer, real ale enthusiast, photographer. Pro 🇪🇺. '-ise' and '-our'. #IAmEuropean #laraveldev

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